Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Modern Jamaican Family

I was just thinking how in my family how separated things have become. My parents don't speak. I actually haven't spoken to my father in close to a year. No one talks to Aunty Joan but everyone blames her for that. My grandfather goes through spates of random passive agressive malice. My cousin has the biggest love-hate relationship with her father. My brother and I keep up with each other but have very little patience for each other. My Aunty is beginning to get more vocal about how she really doesn't like Aunt Gloria. Everyone loves grandma but easily gets annoyed by how overbearing she can be. It seems that for us, family has evolved into a way that we are irrevocably attached to people who we can't stop fighting with.

Funnily enough, The only person bold enough to be over all of the petty squabbles is my 99 year old great grandmother. Who at 99 is smarter, funnier, spunkier and more in tune with the importance of things than anyone else I know.

I want to follow in her foot steps. Maybe thats why she's one of the few that get to celebrate a 99th birthday.

1 comment:

A. said...

i love that. all of it.