Wednesday, June 18, 2008

English School/ After School programme

So our English School is now also running an after school program for two half brazillian/ half Japanese cuties called James and Elizabeth.

James looks like a tiny man. He's only seven but I swear he has a mustache. He just has teh manliest features of any eight year old around. He could take you.

Elizabeth is just cutedoarble. So because of this new development it means that the half of teh day I spend surfing teh internet reaading perez hilton is now spent hanging out with kiddoes.

plus we now have a tv so we can watch tv at work.

I loves it.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Snakes in a Biwa Tree

There is a Snake Center in Ota. I've never been but I've heard of it. I've heard of that it sort of sucks but is cool in that sort of oddity side show sort of way. They have also sort of snakes. A statue of a large boddhisatva and a cave filled with statues of dinosaurs (that you have to jump the fence to get to.)

So I knew there were snakes in the vicinity of Ota. I knew there were snakes on Kanayama, teh large mountain overlooking Ota, not 5 minutes from my house. I go hiking there all the time and I mean like all the time. Whenever I feel like it. The mountain has two large temples at its base that are beautiful adn are central to the Ota Community. lots of trails, well travelled and not so well travelled that lead all over the mounatins sometimes ending randomly in someone's back yard. But I know there are snakes (and monkeys and big big wasps) I've seen many a warning for snakes with cartoon snakes with defined heads and big fangs.

I also know there are snakes on Kanayama because I've seen them myself, Twice. In of all places in the kids Park. In Gunma's Kid Country. A large park devoted only to kids with the most Dr, SOusian playground. Slides and forts on teh mountain, ponds, plants, weird bicycles and automobiles. A great place for kids to learn and discover that would be considered too dangerous by American Standards but is extremely popular with the families of Ota. And twice while jogging I7ve seen a long slithery snake nmaybe two meters long witha a silver back and a green stomach just slithering across the path like its somethign to do. Thank God both times there were no kids in teh vicinity at teh time.

So I shouldn't have been surprised when I saw this one in the Biwa tree in my yard. For you if you don't know, Biwa is teh Japanese name for Louquat. It's like a kumquat which I hate,only better,much more delectable, like a zesty citrusy pear. So Kyle is reaching for a Biwa and he's like look and right there, looking at me is a snake.

For real a snake. it was a rea Old Testament Genesis moment. The snake told me to eat of the Biwa fruit and then slithered away liek real sexy like. The fruit was good and now I wear clothes.