Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Master Cleansing

Beyonce did the Master cleanse and lost 14 pounds!!! well fuck her. Yesterday I started the famed master cleanse and I must say I feel ok.

For those who don't know the Master cleanse/ Lemonade diet is a detox diet desgined by the Dr. Stanley Burroughs as a way to rid the bod of toxins and heal the digestie system.

The diet is composed of a lemonade mixture which is the pretty much teh only thing you consume (excepting min tea, a lazative tea and a salt water flush) for ten days.

This is my second time doing the cleanse and I hope to make it a yearly thing. I'm keeping a daily journal which I will publish on my blog at the end of the cleanse.

I'm honestly not doing it for rapid weight loss or even really to detox my body. The real reason is that I need to teach my body who is boss. I have the most unhealthy eating habits. I eat late, don't stop when I'm full and indulge the worst cravings. So I want to teach my body that food is indeed nothing more than fuel. I want to break free of emotional eating and take control of my health. I feel that after the cleanse I would almost be like a clean slate that I can use to teach myself good eating habits and can subsist on a healthy diet.

Anyways wish me luck! More to come

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